It's great to be able to browse a website and have information at your fingertips. But there is absolutely nothing like being together in the presence of the Lord. So, I invite you to come and join with us in worship for a first hand experience of who we are at Living Waters Ministries. We can't wait to meet you and your family!
There's many reasons why I love LWM! Friendly people. Laughter. Care. The greatest reason is Jesus is here! Maybe you've never ever felt the wonderful presence of God as He swepts over you in peace, love, hope and comfort and you desperatly want to feel His arms wrap around you. Jesus is here! Maybe you've been thinking that you need to turn your life around and need to know that God forgives, saves, sets free and delivers. You're afraid to darken the doors of the church. No worries. All the people in the inside the church walls have been where you are at. We all need a Saviour. Jesus is here! Maybe you are a Christian but you just haven't connected with a church family. Good news! The first time you come, we consider you family and Jesus is here!