If you or someone you know needs prayer - please fill out a prayer request card and give to greeter. If God has answered your prayer - please fill out a praise report and give to greeter. You will see people coming forward for prayer and others gathering around them to agree with them on a particular request. You are welcome to come forward when invited for special prayer.

Why do we pray for the sick by laying on of hands and anointing with oil?
"...let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord, and the prayer of faith shall save the sick..."
- James 5:14-15

"...they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover." 
- Mark 16:18

​Prayer works! We have seen hundreds of healings, miraculous miracles, relationships restored, lives changed, brokenness mended, open doors, and yes even closed doors! All because we serve a wonderful prayer answering God who heard our prayer!

  • Pre-Service Prayer - Corporately gathered for a time of individual focusing and preparing hearts and mind for the service.
  • Special Prayer- If you have a special need you can be anointed with oil for prayer.
  • Altar-  A time of prayer is offered also at the conclusion of the service for repentance, strength, help, comfort, deliverance etc.
  • Prayer Meeting on Thursday at 8:30 a.m is also a  part of our weekly scheduled services

Prayer Request Form

Please indicate if you wish your request to remain unspoken from the public venue, otherwise we will bring it publicly to the church family for prayer via social media and Sunday prayer time.

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