Our Men's Ministries offers prayer, friendship and fellowship. We also have planned activities through the year.
God has a much ordained order for the man. He is not simply the "head of the house" and what he says goes. He is the head, the origin, the source from which all things flow for his marriage and his family. If he wants love in his home, he must be the source of love. If he wants peace in his home, he must be a source of peace and so on. God has an order for man and when he is in divine alignment with God, he will impact his marriage, his children, his church, his community. We offer The Art of Marriage Seminar to individual couples, and annually to the whole church. We have observed the men of our church applying these bibilcal principles in their hearts and lives and God doing wonderful things in their marriages and families. God designed marriage and we encourage our couples to live in the fullest that God has for him.